Jul 2, 2019

Do Workers’ Compensation Benefits Include Retroactive Payments?

Nathaniel Hansford
Reviewed by:
Nate Hansford

After a work accident, the first thing you should do is get treatment for your injuries. Receiving medical attention following an on-the-job injury is a top priority and should be taken care of before any workers’ compensation processes begin. Even after your initial treatment, you will likely visit a doctor many more times before your case is resolved. While workers’ compensation benefits are known to cover future expenses that result from a work injury, you may be wondering if you will be compensated for the bills you had to pay before receiving payments, and how that process works.

Pre-Settlement Expenses

Following your initial doctor’s visit, workers’ compensation law generally requires injury victims to visit a board-approved medical provider for subsequent visits as your claim is being resolved. During this period, injured employees receive medical benefits — visits to a workers’ compensation board-approved doctor are covered under the system.

What if my Workers’ Compensation Claim is Denied?

If your workers’ compensation claim is initially denied, you have the option of beginning the appeals process to recover benefits. Appealing your claim adds more time to your workers’ compensation case, and therefore, more expenses that are left uncovered in the meantime. A claim that is eventually approved through the appeals process could qualify for the payment of retroactive benefits, particularly wages that were lost while you were unable to work.

The issue of retroactive pay is one of the most complex elements of a workers’ compensation case. For advice regarding the details of your claim, contact Hansford McDaniel – Workers’ Compensation Attorneys.

The team of attorneys at Hansford McDaniel – Workers’ Compensation Attorneys are dedicated to helping you recover the benefits you deserve following an on-the-job accident. We offer free consultations — call us at 770-922-3660 or schedule a time to talk through our form.